Discover the value of our in-depth domain knowledge for your organization.
Economies of scale, closer supervision, new legislation and European regulations. Increase your drive and resilience at critical moments.
View sectorEconomies of scale and digitalisation require capacity and expertise. As an experienced knowledge organization, Triple A understands the challenges you face.
View sectorFinancial security beyond the end of a working life has become more complex to achieve. We explain all the risks and available options so you can take control of the future.
View sectorThe banking world is facing enormous challenges. Our experts provide support at both strategic and operational levels.
View sectorDo you have any questions about social insurance or pension rights? Our consultants are fully conversant with all relevant laws and areas of responsibility.
View sectorMaximizing shareholders’ returns by improving return on equity (RoE) is a core objective for banks. This requires effective risk management
The banking sector faces growing challenges in data management, especially with new ECB initiatives like the Banks’ Integrated Reporting Dictionary (BIRD) reshaping compliance standards. To support institutions through this transition, we have incorporated BIRD standards into our Triple A platform.
***Dutch translation***
Met nieuwe initiatieven zoals de Banks’ Integrated Reporting Dictionary (BIRD) van de ECB wordt het voor banken belangrijker dan ooit om databeheer en compliance goed in te richten. Het Triple A platform helpt instellingen in de transitie door BIRD-standaarden te integreren.
Our paper, “Triple A’s Approach to Embedding Climate Risk in Financial Risk Modelling”, provides essential insights for financial institutions facing increased EU regulations and ECB expectations on climate risk. Through case studies like flood risk in Limburg, we show how institutions can use asset-level and geographical data to enhance risk estimates, and translate that to monetary impact.
***Dutch translation***
Onze paper, “Triple A’s Approach to Embedding Climate Risk in Financial Risk Modelling,” biedt belangrijke inzichten voor financiële instellingen onder toenemende EU-regelgeving en ECB-verwachtingen op het gebied van klimaatriscio. Via casestudies zoals overstromingsrisico in Limburg, laten we zien hoe instellingen gebruik kunnen maken van assetniveau- en geografische data om risicoschattingen te verfijnen, en dat te vertalen naar monetaire impact.
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