As an insurer do you comply with the new Solvency II guidelines? How resilient is your pension fund in the event of major shocks? With the right tooling, you can achieve immediate visual insight into the required management and control information. This allows you to comply with guidelines faster and more efficiently and precisely determine your solvency and provisions.
Training plays an important role in our services. We develop most tools internally and give attention to clarity and ease of use. These are annually validated by an external specialist. After all, you need to be able to rely fully on your figures. Especially with official reporting as the legislation is becoming stricter. If desired, we will make our tools available to you so you can apply them yourself.
We offer the following general tooling:
In addition, we offer pension funds and insurers a variety of specific tools.
In view of current events, stress testing pension funds is a common activity used to verify the financial position. With shock calculations, you test ‘bad weather’ scenarios, such as a sharp fall in the interest rate. This is used to assess the resilience and identify any systemic risks.
For Asset Liability Management (ALM), you use projection calculations to glean better insight into the risks, which you can then compare with the internal standards and risk appetite. With ALM models, you can also determine the impact of different alternative compositions of your investment portfolio.
As an insurer, tooling helps you simplify complex actuarial calculations. These include provisions on solvency and provisions. With SCR tooling you can determine the required solvency on Solvency II principles (SCR and MCR). With ORSA tooling, you determine future projections of the solvency position based on Solvency II principles. In addition specific tools and models are available for the various insurance segments.
Your organisation can also use our tooling to work and act based on accurate figures and clear insight. You can opt for deployment by our specialists, or for independent application, based on clear instructions and with the desired support. As a consultancy firm, we feel it is important that you do not experience tooling as a ‘black box’ partner, but as your own business tool to make better choices.
Please contact Marten de Boer
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