Actuarial, Risk Finance and Data Science solutions

Here’s a selection of the solutions that have emerged from combining our knowledge and skills

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Portfolio Monitor

Continuous, up-to-date insight into the performance of your portfolio is crucial for a strong competitive position. Increase your organisation’s agility with the Triple A Portfolio Monitor.

Model Quick Scan

Models: for insurers and pension funds, they are crucial for business operations. At the same time, the model landscape is

Actuarial factors

Actuarial factors (or tariffs) play an essential role in various actuarial processes and applications. Triple A has the perfect software

scenarios that are forward-looking

Our unique forward-looking scenarios enable clients to develop a long-term vision based on realistic data.

Actuarial function insurers

We perform the actuarial function based on early knowledge of relevant updates of regulations and important signals from the market with the goal of preventing unexpected surprises for you as an insurer.

Continuous Improvement Data Driven

Our Data Driven Continuous Improvement proposition helps you make strategic decisions based on data-driven insights. This allows you to more efficiently optimise and organise all processes in your value chain

Net Capital Generation

Optimal and up-to-date insight into NCG (Net Capital Generation) helps with making policy choices in areas such as premium setting, reinsurance, product portfolio and investment mix.

Climate risk

Using the Carbon Risk Scan we make the impact of climate and transition risks concrete and transparent. You can identify the risks and integrate them directly into your strategic policy considerations.

Risk Monitor for insurers

As part of the enhanced supervision of insurers’ risk profiles and solvency positions, risk reports are mandatory. Triple A’s interactive online Risk Monitor allows you to turn this obligation into an advantage.

Asset Liability Management (ALM) study

Defining and underpinning long-term policy requires an overall consideration of policy instruments and the impact of choices on risks and returns. An ALM study provides a solid foundation for this.

Author: Rob Balk

Unlocking Capital Efficiency: Providing Insights on CRR III’s Enhanced Capital Requirements and New Capital Optimisation Strategies

Maximizing shareholders’ returns by improving return on equity (RoE) is a core objective for banks. This requires effective risk management

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Author: Rob Balk

The Impact of ECB’s BIRD Initiative – Working Towards the Data Driven Bank

The banking sector faces growing challenges in data management, especially with new ECB initiatives like the Banks’ Integrated Reporting Dictionary (BIRD) reshaping compliance standards. To support institutions through this transition, we have incorporated BIRD standards into our Triple A platform.

***Dutch translation***
Met nieuwe initiatieven zoals de Banks’ Integrated Reporting Dictionary (BIRD) van de ECB wordt het voor banken belangrijker dan ooit om databeheer en compliance goed in te richten. Het Triple A platform helpt instellingen in de transitie door BIRD-standaarden te integreren.

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Author: Rob Balk

Triple A’s Approach to Embedding Climate Risk in Financial Risk Modelling

Our paper, “Triple A’s Approach to Embedding Climate Risk in Financial Risk Modelling”, provides essential insights for financial institutions facing increased EU regulations and ECB expectations on climate risk. Through case studies like flood risk in Limburg, we show how institutions can use asset-level and geographical data to enhance risk estimates, and translate that to monetary impact.

***Dutch translation***
Onze paper, “Triple A’s Approach to Embedding Climate Risk in Financial Risk Modelling,” biedt belangrijke inzichten voor financiële instellingen onder toenemende EU-regelgeving en ECB-verwachtingen op het gebied van klimaatriscio. Via casestudies zoals overstromingsrisico in Limburg, laten we zien hoe instellingen gebruik kunnen maken van assetniveau- en geografische data om risicoschattingen te verfijnen, en dat te vertalen naar monetaire impact.

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