The non-life insurance market is shrinking and domestic and foreign competition is increasing. As a result, setting the premiums for your insurance products is crucial to stay in the race. Together with product innovation, your pricing strategy determines whether you are and will remain distinctive. Considering the risk capital requirements arising from Solvency II will require an extra firm policy foundation. Our advanced proposition Premiums for Non-life Insurers helps you realise and maintain that basis.
Solvency II has harmonised supervision in Europe, paving the way for cross-border services and products. International players make use of this and use their scale to create competitive premium policies. New suppliers are competing for market share via innovative revenue models. These are challenging developments that require a quick, sharp reaction on your part.
The outlined dynamic of digitisation and internationalisation increase the urgency of future-proof choices in your pricing strategy, knowing premium levels are increasingly decisive for both private and commercial clients. Excellence and smart movements are the new success factors for connecting existing clients with your products.
Act with a favourable risk profile based on competitive promises before your clients head to the competition. Support your pricing strategy with the use of the expertise and tools of Triple A. We will provide you with a clear step-by-step plan for an inventory of your existing premium model. We fine-tune our working method to your needs and processes. Our experts provide support for the following activities:
At Triple A, you can count on customisation, flexibility, and transparency, and a clear conversion of the insights obtained into the strategic decision-making process. The pillars of our service provision are: a broad expertise in actuarial processes, Data Analytics, and experience with open source analyses.
We use open source software to implement our non-life insurers premium proposition, so you do not have to invest in new software licences. Interaction and knowledge transfer are important to our exports and they tailor trajectory to your desires and possibilities. Close cooperation, partly based on your knowledge of the portfolio, is central. Your interest is the central principle for us: a growing and healthy non-life portfolio with a positive long-term return.
Please contact Joanne Bouwkamp
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