As part of the enhanced supervision of insurers’ risk profiles and solvency positions, risk reports are mandatory. With the implementation and application of Triple A’s interactive online Risk Monitor, you can turn this obligation into an advantage. Our Risk Monitor replaces static reporting and generates valuable information on an on-going basis, allowing you to adjust your policy in a timely manner.
The Triple A Risk Monitor is an effective, reliable tool that has more than proven itself in practice. We tailor the implementation and design to your organisation’s specific situation and needs, from portfolio to mandate level. This provides insight into the relative contribution to the total performance and solvency risk for each risk source and investment category. The tool is compatible with almost all common systems and is fully compatible with your desired control information.
As a controller, you are no longer overwhelmed with data, but have insightful information to help you make policy decisions. You can see at a glance how a fund is doing, the cause of the movements in the funding ratio, and how it will develop in the future on the basis of current policy.
Important link in the investment cycle
The primary role of the online Risk Monitor is the permanent monitoring of your risk profile and solvency position. In line with this, the information to be generated offers the possibility to evaluate alternative risk profiles and investment mixes. This makes this tool an important strategic link within the investment cycle.
Benefits of the Triple A Risk Monitor include:
Added policy value
After implementation, the Risk Monitor projects a ‘range’ of possible future solvency positions based on current economic characteristics, taken from the current composition of your investments. This allows you to fulfil your information and reporting obligation. The timeliness of the information, with much emphasis on forecasting, offers added policy value, since you can use the projections to directly define and evaluate various policy scenarios yourself. Click here for the Risk Monitor Demo (in Dutch)
Please contact Ridzert van der Zee
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